Friday, November 30, 2012

Herring scad

Scientific Name
Alepes vari (Cuvier, 1833)
English Name
Herring scad, Scad
Local Name
Selar keledek, pelata
Other Name

Common in shallow coastal waters to waters to about 40 m depth, where it often swims near the surface.
16-25 cm Total Lenght
Fishing Gear
Trawl, Purse Seine, Gillnet, Hook & line

Indian treadfish, Threadfin trevally

Scientific Name : Alectis indicus (Ruppell, 1830)
English Name : Indian treadfish, Threadfin trevally
Local Name : Cermin, Rambai, Rambai Landeh, Sagai, Tetapak, Ebek, Cupak
Other Name : Chooi Hu , Cheow Hu, Ke'iah Hu
Habitat : Demersal (Reef-associated)
Locality : Coral reef, coastal waters up to 50 m
Size : 40-50 cm Total Lenght
Fishing Gear : Trawl, Trap, Gillnet, Seine

Redbelly yellowtail fusilier

Scientific Name : Caesio Cuning (Bloch, 1791)
English Name : Redbelly yellowtail fusilier
Local Name : Delah, Merah cina, Bangan, Sulit
Other Name : Huan Chu
Habitat : Demersal (Reef-associated)
Locality : Shallow reefs to depth of 30 m.
Size : 15-25 cm Total Lenght
Fishing Gear : Trawl, Trap, Gillnet, Hook & Line

Flat needlefish

Scientific Name
Ablennes hians (Valenciennes, 1846)
English Name
Flat needlefish
Local Name
Todak, Banang, Jolong-jolong
Other Name
Cha'ir chiam
Inhabit neritic and oceanic waters but more often found near islands. Estuarine waters of about 40 m.
50-70 cm Total Length
Fishing Gear
Troll line, surface longline

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Starry triggerfish, Leather jacket

Family : Balistidae
Scientific Name : Abalistes stellaris (Bloch & Schneider, 1808)
Synonym : Balistes stellaris, Abalistes stellatus
English Name :Starry triggerfish, Leather jacket
Local Name : Jebong, Ayam laut, Pokut
Other Name : Pueh teak
Habitat : Demersal (Reef-associated)
Locality : Coastal waters to about 90m
Fishing Gear : Trawl, hook & line
Size : 25 - 30 cm total length.

Giant Seacatfish

Family : ARIIDAE
Scientific Nama : Arius thalassinus (Ruppell, 1873)
Synonym : Tachysurus thalassinus, Netuma thalassinus
English Name :Giant Seacatfish
Local Name : Duri, Pulutan, Utik, Gagok, Goh, Jahan, Deduri, Mayong
Other Name : Seng hu, Teng tau, Lu keng.
Habitat : Demersal
Locality : Estuatrine to coastal waters of about 100m
Fishing Gear : Trawl, Trap, Gillnet, Hook and Line.
Size : 25-70 cm Total Length